Into a Turk
A turk-step is a great offensive weapon for wrestlers to use off of a takedown. From a double-leg position, the shooter elevates his opponent. The attacker's right arm is used to elevate the near leg so that he can step into the turk.
With the lift nearly complete the attacker will step his "low leg" or right leg in between his opponent's legs. The lift opens the opponent's legs to the turk step. As the shooter returns the opponent to the mat he steps through the center of the opponent's stance.
A good turk-step is wrapped above an opponent's knee, so aim high when you step. Once you step through the legs drive forward and bend your heal back to you, kneel to the mat. Notice how high up the leg the turk-step is applied.
Here the shooter begins to bend his leg back to him. Once a wrestler learns to hit a turk-step a variety of pinning combinations will open up. Wrestlers that can hit a good "Turk" can get nearfall points off of a takedown.
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