Peekout--Fake Opposite

In this peekout the blue wrestler controls a chest-lock.

The red wrestle circles in his "bear crawl" to his left.

In a quick succession of movements, the red wrestler fakes to his left side by throwing his left elbow back.

Then, he immediately changes direction by returning his left hand to the mat and throwing his right arm back.

As he throws his right elbow back, the motion clears his head from underneath his opponent's chest-lock.

Notice how his right leg comes up into a trail leg position much like finishing a shot.

Once the weight of the chest-lock is cleared the red wrestler turns the corner for the score.

Watch as the red wrestler finishes strong by driving his opponent to the mat.

A peekout is an important part of "short-offense" drilling for any wrestler.

A wrestler can drill this move on their own in their mat-motion drilling.
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