4) Games
a. Power ball
i. Get a taped up towel or t-shirt for the ball.
ii. Play length & width of room – two steps max – pass to teammate
iii. Ball hits floor – goes to other team
iv. Goal is scored by touching ball to designated goal area
b. Soccer
c. Speed Ball
i. Played feet – three steps only. Touchdown scored by teammate catching ball in end zone
d. Norske Ball
i. Played on knees – two teams. Goal is garbage can – ball that hits the can is worth one point – ball that goes in is worth two points
e. Quarter Deck
i. Three decks – quarter, main, and poop. Coach announces what deck to be on – last one there is out. Tests wrestlers’ listening skills as well
f. Knee Tag
i. Neutral position – move around and tag the inside of partner’s knees
g. Sharks & minnows
i. Two teams – try to get other team members to your side
h. Rescue Mission
i. Four person groups – relay race to see who can get the other three teammates to a point on the mat
i. Relay races
i. Wheel barrel, crab walk, walking on hands, running on knees, etc.
j. Chicken
i. Stand on one foot and try to knock each other over or make them lose hold on their foot.
k. Oregon Kings
i. Two teams – pick a king for each team (not announced) – team up and pin opponents team members – king can come to feet and flee – when king is pinned that team loses